London D3.js Feburary 2015 meetup recap

Meetup presentation

We had the pleasure of hosting a London d3.js meetup on 26th Feburary, 2015. Until now, London had previously had two separate d3.js meetups, one hosted by @makoto_inoue and another one hosted by @kuldeepdaftary. We decided to combine efforts and rebrand as a single London d3.js meetup. We had over 50 people attend this first joint meetup, hosted in our offices. Beers and pizzas were kindly sponsored by Geckoboard.

The Twittersphere of the event is captured at the Storify page, and below are some photos and links to the talks that were given.

“Using data and visualisation to improve government” by Tom Booth

Presentation 2



“Tree and Network Visualisation using D3 Layouts” by Peter Cook


What’s next?

We are always looking for new speakers, or interesting topics so that we can learn more about them. When we asked our attendees which topics they would find most interesting, a few ideas were suggested:

  • How to do animation with d3.jsThinking with Joins is the must read article to understand this concept
  • Tooltips: There are ready-made d3.js-based libraries such as d3-tip, but there are lots of ‘gotchas’ when implementing tooltips with d3.js
  • How to combine d3.js and angular.js: a couple of examples are here and here
  • Hackathons

Once speakers, a date, and a location are decided for the next event, we will announce the details at both our Meetup page and the Google group. Hope to see you there!

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Makoto Inoue

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